reduces POVERTY
for families living on less than $10 a day

600-750 produce units harvested each week
$650 USD
average monthly profit
Hope & Dignity
when families are able to support themselves
Local & Healthy
food source for communities
OASYS System Build in Monzi, South Africa
What is OASYS?
OASYS (Open-source Aquaponics SYStem) is a sustainable, water-based agriculture system. It was created to address both poverty and hunger and provides food and funding to families or organizations in vulnerable communities around the world.
With aquaponics you are able to grow nutritious vegetables and fruit in places that would never be possible with traditional agriculture. Aquaponics uses fish to provide the nutrients for the plants, and they can also be harvested and bred. With an OASYS system you can harvest between 600-750 units of produce every week and 540 lbs/ 245 kgs of fish each year.
Our Approach
We believe in partnering with local leaders, nonprofits and NGOs that are working to bring hope and resources to the people in their communities.​
OASYS is a tool that helps people and organizations that are interested in becoming more self-sustainable by generating consistent income through business.